Friday, January 27, 2017

What is it FOR?

For the first time, I have missed a national flag hoist and tribute on a National day. the geographic locations change still, I carry the pride of being an Indian. However, few things in a long list do haunt me a lot. the recent protest in South India - Tamizh Nadu for the Jallikattu to happen - supporters across the globe - ill minded few people and anti - nationals protesting against government , the suicide of farmers, the depletion of natural water resource, the decrease of economical trend, the popular scams, and the list is never ending. 
Spending a few months away from India, made me realize, where do we lack. As a science graduate, I realized Agriculture and Natural Flora and Fauna are the two most important things for the uplift of nature. I do not blame the industrial revolution, definitely. But, every thing has its space and priority. Many Indian rituals and habits have been proven scientifically to be good or the best for a healthy and peaceful survival. And just because it is Indianish we are not following them unless some one accredits our practices. Do read the SOME ONE as any FOREIGN BODIES.
PC: WBK Photography

It was indeed alarming to notice the perishing of Indian Tradition knowledge (ITK) and the Indigenous species of floral and fauna families. Perishing or giving away and up to some other nationals ? Are we aware that many of the Indian traditions are being converted into money - HUGE money, outside India? Are we aware that many of our natural-only-to-be-found-in-India plants/herbs' properties  are patented by other nations?
Against whom are our protests? For what are we proud of? What is the need for the nation? Why are we not thinking of all the permenant stuffs but going behind the temporary ones? And above all, how can India 🇮🇳 be a Super Power in 2020, after losing all its ITK and indigenous breeds of its wealthy flora and fauna?
This is the time for us to realize the reality and raise up to the occasion otherwise, we ate belittling the supreme sacrifices of our uniform men out there fighting for the Nation!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

A day of gallantry remembrance . .

In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs. - Daniel J. Boorstin

About seven decades ago or precisely 68 years ago, the constitution of India came into force and from then on, India has been "celebrating" 26 January as its Republic Day! A day when most of us, lazing at home, fighting for remotes to watch the 'republic day special movies', a day when we feel - a national holiday to remain at home instead of going to educational or institutions for paying tribute to the Indian national flag and a day when the President of India, honors the unsung heroes of the defense with gallantry awards. 
This year, 2017, we celebrate our 69th Republic Day, The government of India, honored about 350 Brave Soldiers with medals and it was a moment of pride to see them receiving it. However, 86 of our brave men, preferred to  do the supreme sacrifice, changing their entire lives and the lives of their loved ones. We all were barring a few brave men enduring the extreme cold in the icy peaks, their lives changed forever. Some made the preeminent sacrifices of giving up their life for the nation, some relinquished their parts of body and some would always carry the recollections of life and death.They all did their duty and they know very well that their brothers in the defense will do the same to keep up the glory of the Tri - Color Indian Flag.
In Pic : Mrs.Indu Rebecca Mukund, Wife of Major Mukund Varadarajan
When the whole nation is busy asking for proof from my men in uniform as they came back safely after the surgical strike, when the reel heroes of this nation were busy supporting Pakistani actors who never cared to condemn Uri attack, when the citizens of this nations never understood how much my men in uniforms were toiling every day to keep the dignity of Mother India, there my men, march past the hindrances and let the flag fly high!
That is INA for you! 
It is a matter of pride with a pain! Let justice prevail to all!
Jai Hind.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

What is lost, needs be closed !

PC: WBK Photography
Life is a potpourri of events that can lead from no traces but leave many! It was someone special, the first taste of seeing someone very special. She entered in, for the feel of looking at him, specially special. After a period of ambiguous yes-no-maybes, they were destined to be together. She could not let go off, he could not hold on to. Still they belonged to each other by breath and bone. They were together in the picture for good. Wisdom, politics, partiality, possessiveness, obsessions, untold egos cooed in from all directions, as a hope to blend them but eventually pulled them apart. Cross examinations of faults, pointing fingers became the fore play. They needed to snap out of that self-absorbed paralysis however, they could not. Finally, she manged to fumble out. She could never offer the lucrative present of forgiveness, after all the anti climax dramas. He could not spare her for any metamorphical points. Like the saying, too many cooks spoil, too many hands got in to mend them ending up with very very generous slices of hurt and hatred. 
It was time to move on. Every one has their pieces of pain and pages of emotions. Getting morbid and lamenting took her to no point. Depriving of closures worsened the scenario. It definitely forced her to face the sharp pang. A lesson was learnt. 
"We can't take back what we offered. We might not even want to take back for those moments were adding beauty to life. Remembering what we loved in the other who desperately hurts us, makes us not to take revenge. We all suffer pain and we all deserve kindness or at least deserve not betrayals and revenge. When forgiving or forgetting seems near to impossible, choose to ignore and stay strong.Life is once and little moments of joy adds beauty to it"

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Strifes filled out

Everything seems tough. I keep reminding myself, nothing is permanent. But right now, all I could see is plenty of darkness and say, Oh my, its getting tough! I am not sure if you are married, but I am. Am not sure if you had experienced the love of a sibling, I had. I never realized how much he had filled in my lives until I understood that its almost two years since he started his heavenly abode. The first year was so quiet and kept me aside from bawling as I had a lots of responsibilities infront of me. The second year started getting harder. We both never shared a room, but shared a home meant only for ourselves. The home was made of life, laughter, fights, tears and craziness. But now, I am alone in that secret home. Just left to myself.
PC: WBK Photography

It started getting harder day by day, geographical dislocation or relocation, giving entry passes for many strangers turned soulmate and cherished circle, never never helped but worsened the worst. Multiple waterfalls, that never had occurred earlier,  began to see the light. I began to long for that comfort place, which I had always been sure of but the so called God plucked mercilessly. All I had to do was to stay calm and cry in solitude in search of self solace , randomly, through out the day. The shock was when I realized the special place in my comfort zone was no more available, ONLY for me and the blame was put on the society. I keep missing my own self, I keep missing my kith and kins, I get the insane fear of fearing the loss, I keep missing many things. But all i have to , is to grow ! Its really hard but I have to grow. Its a big process, but I have to grow. Yes, I have to grow, to understand what it means being a girl. I have to grow, to realise that being a girl cant buy back a place in your home. I have to grow, to understand the "society". It is hard, but I have to !

The power of the powerless!

PC: WBK Photography

She was in the womb. The first struggle, upon millions, she managed her way to get herself created. And, thanks to some one, she was not killed for being SHE! She struggled her way out after nine plus months. She was so much taken care of. So much of to-do lists and so much more of do not dos! Her mother told her how kind she must be. Her father taught her valor and bravery. As she grew, she faced threats for her survival. It got more when she began to stain with strain. Still,she remained spreading fragrance of joy and ray of hope. Her security made her feel more insecure. Still she shaped her personality with dignity. The parents were proud of her and also afraid about her. Not to mention, she had been bleeding every month since then and she combated to survive. She grew up with a fear of harassments of the powerful. She was given to him. She had a great change!  Her possessions changed. Her attitude was alerted. She began her new way of combating. Until then, who ever she believed to hold her back, turned strangers. Strangers invaded her cherished circle. And during all these times, she bled for three days a month, every month! She felt bizarre when she realized her respects were based on him! Her agony was at its heights when she was only welcomed everywhere only with  him. Had it happened to him? No, all she could see was one happy independent man moving all over, with or without her, but welcomed everywhere! All she could witness was one happy man, remaining almost the same before and after she came. She reconsidered her thoughts, might be she was wrong. Might be, that man was happy because she was there. And then on, she began to find her joy in his laughter. She could never help getting furious, at times, seeing the shift in importance. But this is what the society is! She is, after everything and anything, a woman - the powered powerless!
#onegirlythought #society