Amidst the mundane, monotonous days of loneliness at home with those four white plaster of paris walls, I thought to step out of the home and go to my husband's work place. There is this river running alongside of my way. Every time I crossed this river side, I made look at this place with awe. the golden feilds and a long clean river makes me feel so fresh.
Some times, during snowy days, it is filled with frost and fog that I could not see the longer view of the river, curving! Some other day, the sun rays dance on the top layer of water and sparkle lice a zillion dollar jewel! Some other times, with the winds and rains, the glossy appearance alters by itself and gives us another awesome and yet uncomprehending feel of amusement! Someother times, the clouds gush from no where, above the river and tries hard to kiss the river at the horizons!
That Long river . . (My Click) |
A thought to feed the mind, The nature portrays through this river side, that every day is new and every scenario is new. Just like the river and water that remains constant, people and their emotions are constant. The way how the river and water is portrayed to us is decided by nature. The way how people and their emotions are presented to us is decided by the situations. However, all remains the same.
Just as how the sun comes out of the hideout and kisses the blossoms to open up even on a winter season, a drop of love is always there for every one in your cherished circle. We need to watch out for those little moments of happiness, unnoticed smiles, hidden love and embrace them all with a grace realising that, Life is beautiful and it is once. Let us learn to appreciate, accept and apologize!
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