Sunday, January 11, 2015

For, we are, JGHV – REFRESHED!

When life goes on in digging up some precious possessions called the memories, it is up to you to take a call on what memories to be taken and what not to be! I used to sit down in my room, which ever I dwell in, and have a look at the eidetic memories that few folks have given, the memories smelling too fresh despite the decades that has gone by! This eidetic memory of mine will always keep my dwelling place beautiful with the familiar scent of warmth, a feel of living with favorable past and what not !
Out of the blue it was joyous to see and to hear from people who filled most part of your child hood days – your school time. I did hear from an umpteen number of people! It was more like music to me, when few of my best buddies dialed up, pinged me on and off! Thanks to those groups of whatsapp and the community of the face book!
When I was led to believe that school time reunions were really a BIG deal, Janani made it happen! To me, then, it was only meant to rub in how enjoyable I would be, to those big ugly bore faces of those I hated during my school days. Reunions, to me, then, were meant to know how your benchmate, project mate or home work group mate would be! In any case, to me, personally, then – I do personalize a PAST thought – School reunions were just the impossible ones and that too after decade – has the Zero Certainty to occur on earth!
But, Janani, awesome admin she was, to kick start an event, ketchup a clan that dwelled together, a decade ago – literally! So the wheel started rolling, a couple of weeks ago with the puna:Milan and ethiad, grouping guys and gurls, the weekend activities and group challenges and all that! To put it simple, it was just excitement in air! Excitement of meeting best buddies, those childhood crushes, those unknown smarties ;) friends, foes turned friends, friends turned foes . . . ! Excitement to see, was the friendship still clinging on . . ! Was it just a puppy love or a crush . . ! Were all of us well settled . . ! With so much of questions lingering in the mind, all of us started ‘registering’ ourselves for the Grand Day!
Thanks to those initial eyes breaking contests in the group, we knew everyone. Sure, we weren’t all buddy buddy but for me, I liked everyone.  Everybody appeared to be really great to me. I decided this get-together was going to be exceptionally a good time for me in light of the fact that I will get to see these individuals once more. Some of them I haven't seen since graduation. Some of them I simply didn't generally stay aware of.
Lemme confess, the ketchupped clan was simply lovely. Almost all of us recognized each other. I was lil afraid too, that there might be MANY names and faces that I would just not recognize at all. But that never happened except for two folks for they came in after I left the school! Seeing so many grownups(!) was really great! Err, I should again confess, I was, a teen ager again! So, were all of us! Hype in air, an ecstatic feel, A great going thought, those photo sessions, Self intro sessions (though I missed it, should have been definitely awesome!)
Those who attended could have made excuses. We could have put it off. Some of us waffled – we all have projects going and could we afford to take the time off? But yes, we all did! We all also remembered, reminded of those who missed to join the party. And the high school clicks were really forgotten at this great grand reunion; all those silly and petty reasons stated for hating the others were pushed ASIDE – the other side. The Egos were let go off! For we are GROWN UPS now, Adults and yep we finally mature! Though I never thought I would be dreading it, I also never thought, honestly, that I would be cherishing it as well! It was for experience and that experience will be cherished ever in the days to come! Every one of us was really happy to see each other and all of us had a blast, just taking a nostalgic ride down the memory lane. And now, for one day, it was a HIGH SCHOOL DAY again!
And for the first time in a while, all our shoulders were relaxed, and that was at the end of the day, because those shoulders were really tensed – tensed up from having been braced for so long before. A breath was let out – A breath that none realized of holding so long, a sigh of joy and a sigh of relief that came after having met all those best buddy buddy friend!
For days to come, we shall have, a grand time, for, now, we knew where people are, how to link up and organize better. I am again confident that we shall join hands to make this society enhanced! For, we are, JGHV – REFRESHED!

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